This 2019 study tracked adults with serious medical conditions who received 10 MTM a week tailored to their specific medical needs from Community Servings in Boston. The results: MTM recipients had 49% fewer inpatient admissions, 72% fewer admissions to skilled nursing facilities, and a 16% reduction in total health care costs compared with control group participants.
This 2016 study of cancer patients who received MTM from God’s Love We Deliver in New York found that recipients were able to eat more nutritiously, live more independently, and experienced less fatigue, when receiving medically tailored meals.
Journal of Primary Care and Community Health This small 2013 study found a 28% to 32% decline in overall health care costs for patients in Philadelphia who received 100% of their nutritional needs for 6 months, courtesy of MTM provider MANNA.
This 2017 joint UCSF and Project Open Hand study found that POH clients with Type 2 diabetes, HIV, and/or a dual diagnosis demonstrated a 63% reduction in hospitalizations, a 58% drop in emergency department visits, and a 50% increase in medication compliance among patients who received MTM for six months.
CalFIMC Pilot Program Research Preliminary observations from the MTM State Pilot Program study suggest outcomes that align with the goal of improving the health of Californians with chronic heart failure while also lowering hospital readmission rates and reducing health care costs. Results from this Department of Health Care Services evaluation are forthcoming in 2021.